Pantry moth traps

Stop the moth feast.

Our beautifully designed, 100% safe, and odorless traps lure male moths via an attractant loaded with pheromones. Once attracted, the moths are caught with our signature super-strength glue. Watch the male moths swarm to the trap, and halt the breeding cycle in its tracks!


Clothing moth traps

Stop the moth feast.

Our beautifully designed, 100% safe, and odorless traps lure male web and case-making moths* via an attractant loaded with pheromones. Once attracted, the moths are caught with our signature super-strength glue. Watch the male moths swarm to the trap, and halt the breeding cycle in its tracks!


Available in 2 colors

*Please note: MothMag Clothing Moth Traps are intended for clothing moths only! They will not be effective for other moths, Not sure? Try our pantry moths instead.

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